July is supposed to be firmly in the time of summer. We are supposed to be having long, hot days where the sun shines. This is supposed to fuel lazy days of walking, drinking in the sun, and generally having a good time. This year has been unusual in that regard for two reasons. Firstly, and the more obvious reason, is the coronavirus. COVID-19 has meant restricted movement with reduced access to the pubs and places that one would normally go to enjoy the long summer days. Even when things open, there are many people that are more hesitant to come back to the pubs, and that means that they are just more empty than they otherwise would be. The summer of covid will be looked back on with a glad heart that it is over. In a few years, when all of this is a distant memory, we are all going to be much happier for it! The other reason that this summer so far has been unusual, is the weather.
The weather has always been something that is hard to predict. When it changes or varies from our predictions, that does not usually mean that something is wrong, it usually means that everything is as usual! It is normal for it to be different to our prediction from the week before. However, this year has been different.
The weather has not just been different to the predictions, it has varied wildly, and more than is considered ‘normal’. It has swung, and we have seen crazy heavy down pours of rain for the time of year. At times it has been almost biblical, and there are people that say that these are all signs of climate change that could end our existence on this planet as a race. Regardless of whether it does spell the end of humanity, it could fuel better sex for you and your fuck buddy.
The changes in pressure in the air, the sudden storms of rain, lightning, the sound of thunder… all of this on a primal level triggers an awareness of danger and death. An increased awareness of our own mortality is something that fuels our desire for sex and deepens our passion when having it. There is no sex like the kind you have following a near-death experience, and whilst in reality, we are completely safe in our brick-built buildings, our brain doesn’t fully understand that, so it still triggers the same processes.
So next time there is a storm, especially a summer storm, take advantage. Get yourself and your fuck buddy close to it, let it trigger the appropriate hormonal response, then go and have great sex!
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