Now that we are in 2018 we fully understand that orgasming is good for you. If you doubt this in any way, feel free to take a look at this article on the top 10 health benefits of sex. Sex and orgasming has now been proven beyond reasonable doubt to be good for both the mind and the body. For the mind it provides a rush of happy hormones that encourage an enjoyment of one’s life, it acts to drain and relieve stress which is a major contributor to everything from muscle tension all the way through to mental health and heart attacks. For the body it is an excellent source of exercise. It is calorie burning, it raises the heart rate and it also engages the muscles across the entire body. The act of orgasm is a whole body experience, it engages with every muscle and part of you from your feet right up to firing neurons in your brain. It truly is the ultimate work out!
For a long time, masturbation was something that was generally discouraged. It was seen as something uncouth, something dirty and naughty, something that you shouldn’t do. For a long time many people suppressed their desires to explore their own bodies. They knew it was “wrong” so they didn’t do it, and when they did they found themselves carrying a great amount of guilt about having done so. This would train the body and the brain into feeling guilt when orgasming, and this would carry over into sex as well, reducing their ability to come, and when they did come tainting the enjoyment with the emotion of guilt. This was not a healthy place to be.
In more recent times we have come to realise that there is nothing wrong with masturbating, in fact it is especially healthy if you are a woman. As well as all the general benefits that both men and women get from orgasming, women tend to be more complicated than men. If your fuck buddy is a woman, making her come is a much more onerous task than if your fuck buddy or hook up was a man. Women need certain stimulation, it is different for each of them, and they have to go a lot further in order to achieve orgasm. By masturbating, they can learn to come and orgasm in a stress free non-threatening environment. Once they have mastered the art of achieving orgasm alone, it is much easier for them to do the same with a partner.
So if you want to masturbate, I would encourage you to do so. It really is good for you, so enjoy yourself.
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