It is January and the start of 2016! The New Year is here, with all the joy of possibility in front of you. Who knows what is going to happen for you this year? Your work status could change, things will happen with your friends and family over time, and most certainly this year things are going to happen in your love life. How do I know this? I know this not because I am a sooth sayer, but because you are someone who is ready to take action on it. How do I know this? You are reading this article!
We have no control over the big world changes to come this year, but we do have the chance to shape our own lives with the choices we make. If we take action on something, then it is much more likely to happen... and you are here reading this article because you want to do something about your love life. More than that, you are ready to take action on your love life, and this is where things start to happen for you.
Taking action is half the battle with getting laid. If you want to have sex and you sit doing nothing, then nothing is going to come to you. You must start by doing something – anything! If you are reading this it is because you are actively looking for solutions to your problem. You searched the internet to find a solution, and you found it. A website that cuts through the nonsense and the bullshit, and gets straight to the point. It brings 2 likeminded individuals who are looking for the same thing together, and in each other do they both find the answer that they are looking for.
So you are doing well and doing the right thing. You have come here, but I am going to push you to help yourself that little bit more. I am going to ask you to make a new years resolution. Message people. Being on the site is half the battle, but now you have to put yourself out there. Make a commitment to message, say just 3 people a day. The messages can be short, but 3 a day and very quickly that number will add up. In a week you will have messaged 21 people. Most people don’t even meet that many new people in a month!
Message people, open a conversation, and you will find it leads you to exciting (sexy) places.
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