Model Cara Delevigne once said in an interview that the secret to having a hot runway walk is to ‘walk like you’re having loads of sex’. What you can extrapolate from this is that having great sex can make you super visibly confident and sexy.
There are many reasons for this. First of all, sex requires you to be brave. The best sex often involves trying something new with your partner, taking charge in some way, or letting go of a bit of control - all things which cannot be achieved without some measure of bravery. If you’ve ever had sex like this your bravery will most often lead to sexual success and pleasure, making you a more confident person.
Secondly, amazing sex with someone you think is really hot will make YOU feel sexy. Having someone rake their hungry eyes over your body, touch you desperately and all over, and tell you all the dirty things they want to do to you (and then do them) reminds you of how attractive you are to others, often giving you specific things to be proud of and flaunt. For example, if someone tells you what a great bum you have, and gives it a lot of attention in the bedroom, you’ll feel extra hot every time you wear a pair of tight-fitting jeans and probably walk around in public with a heightened sense of confidence. So as you can see, feeling sexy and confident about your body in the bedroom will translate into the way you present yourself to others even outside of a sexual context.
Thirdly, sex is extremely satisfying, and gives intense pleasure and happiness. Imagine the feeling after you’ve just had a perfect orgasm. You might feel a bit dizzy and giddy, but most of all you feel a release and a rush of happiness and satisfaction. Feeling happy and satisfied with your life and with yourself contributes greatly to a sense of confidence. So, if you have great sex every day, for example, you will feel happy and satisfied every day, which will make you walk and talk with a buzzing sense of confidence for all to see.
Sex especially translates to confidence when it’s good, in that both parties are having fun. The occasional sexual drought or bad spell might, therefore, deal a blow to your confidence. However, Delevigne noted in her interview that what helped her walk was walking LIKE she was having loads of sex - not that she actually was! So if you ever feel unconfident and your sex life is not at its best - just think about times in the past when you were having lots of great sex, or even imagine it! Then you’ll come across as sexy and confident, and you never know, it may help to reinvigorate your sex life
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