Welcome to the fuck buddy website, the place where we help you find the fuck buddy that you are looking for because, thought you don’t know it, they are looking for you just as hard as you are for them! Today we are going to be talking about sexual performance anxiety and how having a fuck buddy can be a great way to help get over it, or at least, manage it.
Sexual Performance Anxiety
Sexual performance anxiety is where you are more than just nervous about sex because all of us get nervous about sex. It is where those nerves go on to hamper our life choices and actions. Many people suffer from anxiety in all sorts of areas, sexual performance anxiety is where the sex is the trigger for the anxiety. Unfortunately, this can lead to a number of problems and manifest a number of symptoms. These include (but are not restricted to):
- the person finding it much harder to, well, get hard
- a psychological block that stops them getting involved in sexual activity that they otherwise would
- a much-reduced sex drive and reduced sexual urges, caused by the anxiety
- an increased level of respiratory activity and elevated heart rate
- and when things get bad, they can lead to panic attacks which manifest outside of the control of the one experiencing them
Sexual performance anxiety is bad, no one wants it, and those that do have their lives badly impacted by it. So what can be done about it you might ask? Well, the first thing to do is identify the cause.
Cause of sexual performance anxiety
Sexual performance anxiety can be caused by a number of facts as listed below. It can happen to anyone, both men and women, both young and old.
- Being unhappy with how they look
- A large amount of stress from other areas of their lives
- It can be triggered due to prior experiences that have left scars
- The fear of being rejected remains a strong reason why many people experience this
- The fear of being unable to perform in bed can, ironically, lead to performance anxiety and thus mean that they are unable to perform in bed, confirming their beliefs in this regard.
How a fuck buddy can help this
Having a fuck buddy is a great way to work through these issues. With a long term relationship, there is so much invested that the stress levels are increased, fear of rejection or fears surrounding performance are abound. With a fuck buddy both parties know that this is but temporary, there is no pressure. This also leads to an increased level of honesty, and talking to your sexual partner about your issues is a great way to work through them. The more you have sex, the more you acclimatise to the anxiety, find ways of spotting and dealing with the triggers, and the happier you get.
So if you are experiencing performance anxiety, I would strongly suggest getting a fuck buddy. It will do you wonders.
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