There are so many factors that can affect your sex life, and most of these are hard wired into us, so we have little or no “choice” about those factors affecting us. If we are unwell or ill, our libido just disappears. At times of great stress in your life, your desire to have sex usually disappears. That comes from an old preservation thing. When sex was directly linked to procreation and having kids only, in times of stress such as famine, fire, drought, your instincts to have sex drop through the floor as you really don’t want to be having kids when you are trying to deal with your own survival. That being said, war is an exception. Death brings the opposite along. When there are people dying around you, or you are facing death, the desire for sex sky rockets through the roof! Again this is a survival of the race thing, if there are lots of humans dying, you want to be making more to replace them before there are no humans left! So what is the connection between sex and sleep?
Rested and ready for some rumpy pumpy
Sleep is a huge factor that affects your desire and ability to have a great sex life, and this is a factor that can not and should not be ignored. If you are tired, under rested and in need of sleep, you are just not going to want to have sex. You want to sleep, you want to rest. Even if you do go ahead and have sex, you don’t have the energy to really follow through properly, you don’t have the stamina to go for as long as you would like to. For some people, they are just going through the motions for the benefit of their partner – but this act of sex in a “tick over” capacity results in bad sex for both of you. The best sex comes when you both really want it.
So get enough sleep to be able to get to it!
Extra opportunity
The more time you spend in bed together, the more opportunity that you have to have sex. Sometimes sex is planned, sometimes it is spontaneous, and just lying around in bed together can result in spontaneous sex that comes from a very slow sexual build up! Spend more time in bed and you will get laid more.
Increased closeness
The closer you feel emotionally the better the sex can become. Spending time cuddling can bring and grow that intimacy. So cuddle – it is good for your sex life!
So go grab a girl, get naked and get in bed immediately! Sex doctor’s orders!
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