All of us are subject to the way that films portray sex, we never made the conscious choice to watch them and then base our yardstick for sex on what we saw, it just got handed to us. The issue with this is that sex in the movies is totally unrealistic. It is all super smooth, with soft lens camera work and gentle music. The transition from the bar to the bedroom is instantaneous, and then sex is always amazing even though it is the first time that the people have slept together. For a lot of people the very first time you sleep with someone is rarely that good, nerves and insecurity can get in the way a lot especially for women it seems. Yet that is the picture that is painted for us. 2 people with endless stamina who are able to go at it till they are both screaming in delight. Yet most of us are not sex athletes, we do not spend our days ensuring that we are in the peak condition to have endless sex all night... yet it is of course lovely to be able to have great sex. So what do we do about it?
Stay reasonably fit
The fitter you are, the better at sex you are going to be. Period. It is a physical act, and so if you are physically out of shape, your ability to perform will be reduced. You don’t have to go super gym crazy, you just have to keep yourself at a reasonable functioning level. Just make sure that you are moving every day in some way and that will actually do everything you need. Walk the 30mins instead of taking the bus to the train station, that will do it. Just make sure you move. If you want to kick up your sex life, do some kegel exercises.
Take breaks during sex
The movies tell us that people start having sex, and they don’t stop till they have both come in a screaming heap of sweaty fuck buddy flesh. This is not the case, and there is no problem at all in adjusting to the real world. Feel free to take breaks between parts of the session. If a girl has just given you a blow job and it is in an awkward position, give her a couple of moments to re adjust to being released from that position. If you have just fucked a girl from behind and you flip her over to change positions, it is okay to take a few moments to breath. Taking breaks in between chapters is totally okay.
I hope this helps – now go and have some amazing sex!
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