We are all naturally risk averse in life. Why? It is a survival mechanism! In the “wild” taking risks usually ended in death. So for a long time unnecessary curiosity was weeded out by evolution. The curious people did not live long enough to procreate, and their death from curiosity stood as an example to all the other people around them that “curiosity killed the cat”. Taking risks was not a good thing!
Modern day sex
Taking risks in the modern day is an entirely different thing. By taking a risk, you are not going to die. Death is not the result of curiosity, infact in the modern day curiosity and risk taking is what gets you places! We need to set aside the old ingrained habits from hundreds of years of survival, and embrace the new age where testing, trying, and experimenting is the only way to really progress your life.
Risk taking rule 1- always approach
If you see someone you fancy, always approach them! Always go and say, see who they are, have a shat and see if there is vibe. If there is vibe, ask them “are you single”. If the answer is yes, ask them out. Simples. Remember, this is not going to result in death, so do it!
Risk taking rule 2 – have sex with passion
When you are in the beWhatevert rip. Do not hold back. What ever you feel, what ever you want, what ever urges take you sexually in regards to the other person, go for it. Don’t hold back, don’t filter, don’t limit your passions. The other person will respond, value and fucking love your sexual honesty. There is a caviate here – which is consent. I am not telling you to do anything that the other person does not want to do. If they are not on board with it, you must reign it in and stop. However you may find yourself surprised by what the other person wants to do!
Risk taking rule 3 – find out your partners passions and do theirs to
Discuss your sexual fantasies, talk about what you do and don’t like in the bedroom. Try out things that you think you *might* like, and if it doesn’t work for you no big deal, it is all in the spirit of fun!
Be you, your unedited, un-neutered self. That’s who they most want to have sex with, and that’s who you want to be when having sex.
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