There are many things that will affect your ability to have sex, and your enjoyment of the sex. This is always different for different people, so I am going to highlight the usual and often seen fluctuations – but remember that everyone is wonderfully different, so you may find yourself on very different ends of the scale!
Sometimes the time of day can make a really big difference. Some people are morning people, most people due to lifestyle are used to having sex in the evening. The one thing that I know can screw you over (and not screw in the positive sense) is if you leave it too late. The body gets tired, and as it gets tired it’s ability to have and enjoy sex diminishes. Different people have different stamina levels, so for some people they can have sex a lot later and it still be well within the window of a good time, but this effects everyone universally. So watch out.
What you eat
Being hungry or underfed puts the body out of its optimal performance. This affects your ability to think, perform physical tasks, and have sex. There are certain foods that enhance the sex drive that can actively help, but at the least make sure that you have eaten enough food. You need your strength, big boy!
This is a really big one. In short it can have a massive affect on your ability to perform and enjoy sex, so this is really one to watch. I am going to split it into hot and cold.
Too Cold
If it is “too cold” your body will spend more time and energy keeping itself warm, and will have less energy to have sex. Remember, “too” cold is relative to the person. For some people, it has to be really cold before it affects them, but ultimately there is a tipping point. For me particularly, if you are cold your body tries to keep warm by keeping everything close in – this means getting and maintaining an erection is really hard, so watch out.
Too hot
Now, this is much harder to hit! It is easier to have sex when it is too hot than when it is too cold. Too much heat can cause lethargy and a lack of motivation to do, well, anything. This includes sex. It is easier to have sex in the heat, but the heat may reduce your enjoyment of it.
So watch out for these elements, optimisation of them can really help keep your sex life “hot”.
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