The title sums it, yes that is right, a study has shown that you are 80% more likely to climax in bed if you are wearing socks! Sounds strange to you? Well it did to me until I delved a little more deeply into the reasons why, and it all comes down to comfort. The reason that the socks made the difference were warmth and comfort. Allow me to expand on this.
If you are cold you are less likely to climax
As a man have you ever noticed that when it is really cold that your penis shrivels up in on itself and gets as small as it can, almost as if it is trying to curl up to keep warm? The colder it is, the more that your little man seems to shrink in on itself? Well cold can kill a hard on. Temperature drops can really affect your ability to have a good solid stiffy in order to then have sex. This is a great example of how comfort affects your sex life – just like the socks. If you are cold, you are going to have trouble having great sex, and this is for both of you. There are some quick fixes:
- Get a huge duvet! Having sex under a huge warm duvet keeps things nice and warm.
- Keep the heating on. When you are going to have a night, just button the heating on as you head upstairs, in the time it takes for you to take each others clothes off, the heating will have kicked in and helped balance the lack of clothes!
- Candles. This is my favourite one. Most people use candles for the atmosphere and great lighting that it brings. It also gives the raw element of fire, a base power that we still react to. In this case, it also helps with heat! Candles are fire, and therefore are emitting heating at quite a rate! If you have a few of them going and you close the door, you will be surprised at how much extra heat it will add to the room! Did you know that if you are in a car that breaks down in the middle of winter, and you end up having to spend over night in the car, just 1 nightlight candle is enough to help prevent death from hyperthermia? They are that good. So get some candles!
So stay warm and comfortable for great sex!
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