No one likes to break up with someone else or be broken up with by someone else. It is as simple as that. Everyone can get that being dumped sucks, and that it hurts and is a mightily painful experience all around. However, most people don’t consider that this flows both ways. The person doing the break up has to go through a difficult process to reach that decision, then they have to really man up to make the break up happen, and then no matter the reasons they did the break up, they still share the feeling of loss on some level. On some part of their inner workings they too have lost a person from their life, from their sphere of being and existence. They will no longer see and hang out with someone that they have been intimate with, and let’s not underestimate the power of that intimacy. Even in the most clear of fuck buddy set ups, even when everyone knows that it is casual, that there are no strings attached and that the friends with benefits rules apply, even then a parting can be difficult on both sides. This is where break up sex comes into play, in all its glory.
Break up sex is amazing, and the actual sex itself can be some of the best sex that you have ever had, ever. If you haven’t done it, you need to get in on this action because damn it is really good. It has all of the elements that make up the best sex you could have:
It is emotional:
Having a strong emotion is key to great sex. The emotion doesn’t actually have to be positive or negative, it just has to be strong. Break up sex has extremely strong emotions when you have it. This fuels the passion.
The last time effect:
This is the last time you will ever have sex with this person. Ever. This means when you do it, you really do it. You fuck hard and with all the effort and strength you can muster, because it is the last time. You really make the most of each thrust and you savour each rush of pleasure.
It’s a huge release:
The tension is high, the air is tight with the break up – sex is the best tension release ever, and because you both need that release it happens together making it even more powerful, and the sex even better.
It’s a great way to end things
If you are going to finish, may as well finish whist coming. I highly recommend break up sex to anyone planning a split of any kind. It is amazing.
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