It is interesting how many different things that turn us on as humans. We get turned on by people looking a certain way, tall, short, large, slim, with or without hairy bodies! It is also amazing how many settings can affect this. So many people have very specific and certain fantasies about having sex in certain places, sex in a lift, sex in a church, sex in the lobby of a hotel... the list is endless. They also have certain scenarios played out. Most people don’t actually want the thing to happen for “real” but they would enjoy playing it out for fake, for fun. Having sex with a teacher or a boss, giving a blowjob to someone that they can’t see the face of, being taken by force by someone... again the list is endless. So there are so many things to explore that you can have fun with.
One of these things is playing with food whilst in the bedroom. This is a common one to have been played out, and many people have already played with food in the bedroom, and continue to do so. Perhaps you are one of these people, or perhaps you have yet to try it. Have you ever wondered why they have this as something that turns them on? Let’s talk about it here.
Fear: It is fundamental to life
There are certain things that are fundamental to living. The act of sleeping, drinking water, breathing... if you did not do these things you would die. Eating is a foundation act of living. If you do not eat, then you would die. Simple. There is something sexy about death, something about death that inspires people to want to have sex. I guess it is programmed in, people die – have sex to re populate. By using something that is so closely tied to you staying alive – you tap into this.
Joy: Food is about pleasure and gluttony
If you are living in a 1st world country, then food on the other side of the scale has become about pleasure and gluttony. We like to gorge ourselves on food. We like to eat things that taste amazing, to experience the food rush of the most mouth watering morsels that money can buy. We love our food! It has become about pure pleasure and satisfying the senses... can you see the similarity to sex? Satisfying the senses? Pleasure and ecstasy? So combining the two together gives you a chance to increase your sensual experience.
So putting food and sex together is a great way to experience a pleasure that you never have before, driven by the addition reminder of fear and the extra joy of taste as a sensation into the mix. If you haven’t tried it yet – get in there!
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