No matter how rich, powerful, or lucky you are, life is always going to throw you curve balls that sometimes take you down. Living can be so joyous. It promises the possibility of experiencing the greatest happiness, and it can deliver on that promise. However, the package also means that it can conversely deliver the deepest of sorrows and the hardest of days. When we are hit with problems there are always steps and cures that can be attempted depending on that situation. I am going to argue that having a fuck buddy can be a type of cure all. There is almost no situation where having the option of sex does not make things better.
Almost nothing feels worse than really bad heartbreak. It can leave you feeling completely valueless. It can plummet you to the very depths of despair. Often you can be left feeling that you have lost a part of yourself. How can a fuck buddy help here? Easy. Sex.
You have a hole that needs filling. Your fuck buddy does not need to be a full-time replacement of this person, (s)he will, however, provide a comfort and reassurance that you are valued and wanted. The sex will release happy hormones that help your feelings of despair and worthlessness and facilitate a faster recovery. If you are suffering from heartbreak, whether you feel like it or not right now, I would prescribe a fuck buddy to help your recovery.
Job loss / financial problems
Suffering from serious financial problems can put you under incredible pressure, stress and worry. Your ability to live, eat and play often rests on having money. You can’t have a good life without large amounts of money, right? Wrong. Life offers you the opportunity for happiness without ever having to make large sums. You do need some money, however, the message that you need large sums to be happy is a myth. A fuck buddy can remind you of this.
Sex is one of the best things that you can do in life. It is fun, great for the body, burns calories, and releases a ton of happy hormones. Some of your moments of greatest happiness will likely be during, before, or right after sex. Now I am going to point out the obvious that you have forgotten. It. Is. Free. Having sex costs no money at all! You both benefit from the experience, so the “cost” of having sex is giving the other person a good time, just as their price is to give you a good time. It is a win-win, and the ultimate example of how happiness can be gained with little to no money.
There are countless more examples. I would encourage you to just try it. Next time you are having trouble with life, rather than not have sex because you don’t have time, make time for it. It will improve things.
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