We all like to talk about the first time that we had sex. It was a big turning point in our lives, the moment that we opened the door to a world of pleasure and ecstasy never before tasted. The first time that we had sex was a milestone in our journey to adulthood. It is something that we will usually remember fondly, and whilst we may not remember the specifics too closely, we are very likey to remember in detail the person, the situation, how old we were… all the factual details around it. We also are likely to look bac on in it and think we had a really good time the first time that we had sex. The reason for this is that after you had sex your friends would have asked you what it was like, and you would have said it was good. You may not remember what it was actually like, but you will remember what you said. Here is the surprising thing, the first time you had sex, it probably was not that good. You were lying to your friends and you are lying to yourself right now by saying that it was good. Let us examine the evidence.
The first time you have sex, you are nervous. It is new, you don’t know what is going to happen or how it is going to happen, so you are extremely unsure. The key to a superb orgasim is to relax, and stress is a pleasure inhibitor. If you are stressed out you are not going to have a good time. The first time, whether you like it or not, you were stressed out! This means you probably did not have a great time.
It takes time to get to know your own body and what you need to orgasm deeply, and without that you do not. Unless you masturbated a lot before having sex, you probably were not familiar enough with your own body in order to have a full orgasm.
You had nothing to compare it to – it was your first time! This means that you both did not know the best way to have sex, and when you said afterwards that you had a good time, you have no context to make that claim! You might have had the worst time ever, but you have no way of really knowing at all!
Your first time was probably not all that great… so now is the time to mak
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