We all know that sex is fun. We also know that going to the gym can be kind of boring. Exercise is supposed to be fun, so why not combine the two? Sex is one of the best calorie burners you can participate in. All you need to do is find someone on the site to be your exercise partner and you’re golden! Below is a short list of the best sex positions you can use to burn as many calories as possible. Would it surprise you to know that even if you’re doing the dirty in the classic missionary position you’re burning about 40 calories per minute? That’s not bad considering it can take twice as long to do the same at the gym.
1. Standing Up
Having sex when you’re standing up will burn more calories simply because you both have to work harder on maintaining thrust and position. It works the bottom and leg muscles and burns approximately 51 calories per minute.
2. The Plough
Good for your arms, abs and back muscles. Girl lies flat on her stomach on a table or sofa. The man approaches from behind lifting her legs and penetrating her from behind. This position burns about 64 calories a minute.
3. Ascent to Passion
A classic position with the man holding the woman whilst he thrusts and she rides him with her legs wrapped around his waist. It burns about 67 calories a minute and is a lot of fun. Just 2 minutes of this burns double what you can do on a treadmill at a medium to high setting in 10 minutes. This works the gluteal, leg, foot and arm muscles. Not bad and a lot fun!
4. Shoulder, Aim, Fire!
Have the woman lift her back and aim her body up towards your shoulders at a 45 degree angle. With both her legs either side of your head you now enter her deeply. This allows for maximum penetration and is great for hitting the G-Spot. This burns 71 calories per minute and works the bottom, back, abs, arms, core and legs. Fun and healthy!
5. The Bridge
Does what it says on the tin. The man lies face up before arching his back up int an arc. The woman straddles him from on top. This burns 59 calories per minute and works the legs feet and bottom for the man. However this position can only be held for a limited time and can strain the muscles if you’re not flexible enough. Be prepared for a wild ride!
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