Loads of our members enjoy porn. Hell, the reason the industry is so big is because of the sheer volume of people who view porn. Often seen as a seedy industry, proper pornography can be just as complex to film and edit as a Hollywood blockbuster. Male actors have to stay hard in extraordinary situations, female actors sometimes have to deep throat a dick for hours on end and the camera crew can get exhausted trying to get as many angles as possible on film. Porn to us is a useful fantasy aid to have when masturbating or when with a fuck buddy. But what’s it actually like to be a porn star?
1. For male actors, erections can be hard to achieve
That scene where the dude is banging the chick for what seems like hours on end, can take an eternity to get right. The camera has to be in the right positions, the female actor has to be properly lubed and both actors have to stop and start when filming different shots. Maintaining an erection is expected, but as we all know, that’s just not possible without physical and mental aids. Everything from Viagra to injections in the dick are used to help male actors stay hard. Not fun.
2. For female actors the mouth can get tired
When going down on a guy, you’d normally expect the blow job to last a maximum of 10 minutes in the real world. In the porn world a blow job can go on for literally hours. Again getting a good shot is everything (no pun intended), so the actors have to stop and start again and again. Imagine having a guy’s cock in your mouth for that long? Might be fun at first, but eventually your jaw gets tired, and your mouth can get sore.
3. The bits that look like the ultimate fantasy are not that awesome for the performers
That scene where the guy is fucking the girl from what seems like an impossible angle may look incredibly hot, but if you were to try this in the real world, the sex would not be that fun. Having a dick pounding parts of the vagina that were not meant to be pounded can be uncomfortable at best and painful at worst. Now imagine both actors having to maintain the illusion of pleasure on their faces throughout. Not fun.
4. Anal sex is difficult
We’ve already talked about anal sex a lot, so it should come as no surprise that porn stars have to take more precautions than most. A butt is a butt at the end of the day, so if you’ve not cleaned out your anus, the results during sex are going to be messy and uncomfortable. Porn actors who do anal have to have regular enemas in order for the anal sex to be achievable. Not great.
5. Fetish often earns stars more money
It should come as no surprise that fetish has personal and financial rewards. Actors sometimes don’t even have to have sex to earn a cool $2000 per session. Many people just like to watch someone dressed up as a nurse or schoolteacher (insert relevant fantasy here) to get off. Fetish can be a big earner in the industry.
6. Competition is huge
Due in large part to the internet boom, anyone who’s anyone thinks they can now be a porn star. The industry pros are right to tell us that it’s simply not that simple, but increased belief has meant increased competition within the industry to stay relevant.
So remember, porn can be fun to watch and enjoy, but it’s not that simple when you’re working within the industry.
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