We all go on holiday, and when we do if we are open to getting laid, if we are open to having sex , it is so much more likely to happen whilst on holiday than when we are at home. In fact, many people go on holiday in order to get laid. There are specific holiday destinations that are set up for it, Ibiza, Amsterdam, anywhere in Australia! There are also specific holiday packages that are set up for it, you can go on a club 18 – 30 holiday that is geared up for you to sleep with the other people on the tour bus with you. Getting sex whilst on holiday is easy, and it is awesome. So he question is, why is it easier to get laid when on holiday?
It is about you
It is not the place, the people are different – but they are ultimately still people, and there is nothing in the air that makes people want to have sex more. The answer is about you. It is how you change when you are on holiday. You have a different attitude, a different approach, and this is what makes you get sex. Lets break it down.
There is no judgement
There is no judgement. If you are an idiot, if you do something stupid, if you come across as an idiot it matters not. You are on holiday, the likely hood of you meeting the same people again in the future is so low that it gives you a chance to be bolshy, to take risks that you wouldn’t normally take without fear of repercussions.
Your standards change
At home if you sleep with someone there is always the thing of them wanting to see you again. It is very hard to sleep with someone just because you want sex. If you want only sex and a one night stand at home that may come back to haunt you. On holiday it will just go away. This changes your standards. You can now sleep with someone you would never date, meaning you standards change, and you have a great number of people. Your chances increase and you are more likely to get sex.
Risks are all low
All the risks you take are super low. You are on holiday, you are a different you. It is like being drunk and having the “excuse" to do what ever you want that is out of character. It is great
Ultimately your confidence is artificially boosted by the holiday. All of the elements add up to the fact that your confidence is now huge – and that is the key factor that does it. High confidence equals having sex. Simple.
So enjoy getting laid whilst on holiday, it will probably happen!
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