So you log onto the website and you do the smart thing which is to message a whole bunch of people here. You never know what people’s tastes and preferences are, so it always best to spread bet your approach to meeting women online when using a website like this. You can’t message one person and expect that to immediately work out – there is always a bit of a numbers element to this. So you have gone through that, chatted to a few folk, end up going out with one of them for an evening, and before you know it you are back at yours with them, kissing them as you fumble for the door keys to get yourself inside into the warm so that you can start removing clothing. The instinct is usually to head upstairs to the bedroom, and have sex on the bed... but why is this? The bed is kinda of boring, and with so many other options to choose from, is that really where you want your “go to” place to have sex to really be? Have you ever even considered that it is a choice to be made, there is no requirement for that to be the usual place? I am here to open your mind a little with an alternative suggestion of where you can have sex, which is even more superior than the bed in my opinion.
Have Sex On The Floor
This personally is my favourite place to have sex. Everyone has a floor, you don’t need any special kit of set up, and it costs nothing extra... and it is awesome! The floor is far superior to the bed in one man aspect, it is solid. It does not move. When you are moving around on the bed, there is shaking, the mattress sinks beneath your knees dropping your kneeling height and potentially throwing your sex game. The bed moved up and down as you do, and that rocking can cause you to slip or even come out when you really don’t want to. It makes noise, often squeaking which do to films now comes across as slightly funny and for me breaks the mood. The floor on the other hand has none of these issues. It is sold, does not move, when you kneel you know exactly how high you are. There is no noise, there is just great fucking sex.
The major issue people have with sex on the floor is that it can run and burn. If this is you or the girl, throw a blanket or a duvet on the floor and bam problem solved. If you have never had sex on the floor before, do it immediately. It will change your world.
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