With the summer coming in, all of the beautiful women start to come out of the woodwork. I mean all of them! Suddenly the streets seem filled with beautiful women that you would love to date, kiss and have sex with. There is more skin on show than ever before, and all the girls seem to be dressed to show off their best assets. All the normal looking ones look really good, and the good looking ones are elevated to the status of stunning. As for the stunning ones, well, they give you cause to believe that the gods really do exist and that they really do seem to occasionally come down to earth manifest as angles in a womanly body! There is something about summer that seems to just make it happen, and it seems to happen each and every year. Like every single year. So what is it about summer that brings out the honeys from their hiding hole?
The heat removes clothes
You know that song, “it’s getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes”? Well there was some truth in that! When the weather gets hotter, everyone wears less, and that makes the girls look more attractive. Yes there are the occasional girl that really looks less attractive when they are wearing less clothes – usually because they tend to be quite large! No one wants to see the folds of fat as they drip down the sides of their bodies – it is just not attractive. For the most part though seeing a little leg does tend to turn you on, and the more turned on you get the better everyone looks. A bit of really good cleavage can really change a man’s day, and for the larger women out there I have some advice – use your boobs!
The heat increases horniness
The general increase in temperature increases over all horniness. The more easily that people get turned on, the better everyone looks. Simple. There is a correlation between how hot a girl looks and how horny you are, just as there is a correlation between how good someone looks and how drunk you are. The summer raises everyone’s hormones and that makes everyone look better!
The summer makes you want to have sex
We are creatures that are born in nature, and in nature with a 9month birth cycle, you have sex in the summer so that you can bear your children in the spring. That is nature – so of course we are encouraged by nature to have more sex in the summer!
So take advantage – the girls want to have sex just as much as the men do – so get out there and get laid!
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