When it comes to sex things are looking up for you right now. Logged online, you found a fantastic fuck buddy that you really like and that really likes you, and the best part is they live locally! You are all set for a brilliant sexy month. So, you might look at the article tonight and think what has this got to do with me? To shower or not to shower? What on earth has that got to do with sex? You may not have thought about it, but showering can make a huge difference to your sexual experience, whether before during or after. Let's look at all 3.
Should you shower before sex?
If you have had a long day that has caused you to get extremely dirty then yes you should definitely shower. Hygiene is important, and nobody wants to get down and dirty with someone who might give them an illness or disease. So if you work at a building site, as a bet where you get up to your elbows in animal blood, or for the centre of disease control you should definitely shower before sex!
However, if you've been doing exercise that raises hormones you should think twice before showering before sex. There is a lot of Science and evidence to show that exercise releases hormones and increases your pheromone level full stop this increased pheromone level can actually physically turn the other person on, increasing their sex drive and making the overall sexual experience much stronger. Pheromones work directly on the hindbrain, which means it's not about logically if the person is going to have a better time, they just can't help it. So if you've just come back from the gym considered not showering before taking your fuck buddy, pushing them up against the wall, and giving them a night to remember.
Should you shower during Sex?
Traditionally the place to have sex in the bedroom. Thankfully in modern times people no longer feel tied to having to go to the bedroom to have sex. There are so many more exciting places that you can do some one, the floor, the lounge, sofas are really comfortable places to have sex. This is particularly true depending on the position you prefer. For example, if you like doggy style then bending someone over the sofa, and resting their chest along the arm rest of the sofa makes for a perfect position for doggy style sex. The shower is no exception.
Having sex in the shower can be wonderful. It's warm, there is something sexy about getting undressed into the shower, and you can have a lot of fun surprising someone already in the shower, already naked, with a little bonus sexy time. There are downsides of course. The main one being that the water can strip away the body's natural lubrication. Be aware of this. This is especially true if using shower gel for example. The chemicals in the shower gel designed to strip away all the dirt and grime from your body, also penetrates and strips away the natural lubrication in the vagina. This can lead to surprisingly rough sex. Of course, if you're looking for rough sex then actually this is a good way of doing it! Just be aware before you make your choice.
Should you shower after sex?
Again, the obvious answer here is yes you should shower after sex. However, let me put forward a couple of examples where you might not want to. If you're in bed and going straight to sleep, then really don't bother. It's really nice to cuddle up with the other person and drift off straight away. If you're going into work, or another meeting, the obvious thing to do is to shower. Think about this for a moment hello, if you are going somewhere that you consider to be boring, tedious, or another engagement that you don't really wish to be at, how can you make it more interesting? Well, if you go there having had sex, and still smelling of the sex, you will be able to think about that throughout the whole event. Instead of having a boring seminar to sit through, you can sit through the seminar smelling of sex and thinking instead about the gorgeous person that you just had sex with. This will make your evening slash day much more interesting and much more enjoyable. So if you want to carry the smell of sex with you, don't have a shower.
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