Why is it that having a kid suddenly makes every girl out there want to fuck you? The one time in your life that suddenly having a fuck buddy or an easy no strings attached hook up suddenly becomes difficult to manage, is the time that you have all the options to do it. I have never understood this, but it is true. Let us look at some examples.
Think about your married with a kid(s) friend
When my friend who has a daughter walks down the street with his baby, suddenly every hot girl out there wants to talk to him. He goes on holiday, and as long as his daughter is with him, he is suddenly being hit on by these super pretty foreign chicks that previously he would never have even spoken to, let alone them actively seek to spend time with him! He is sometimes with his wife at the time, and she just shrugs her shoulders, but it seems to happen more when he is without her.
Is it evolution?
Is this evolution? Is this the natural law of procreation. When a man walks down the street holding a baby, everyone knows that he is fertile. There is no question any more, no doubt, you know 100% that he is capable of rearing children because, well, he has a child! Is this the reason?
Is it unavailability?
There is something about being told we can’t have something, and then wanting it even more as a result. There is something on the menu at a restaurant that we weren’t that bothered about, the waiter tells us it is unavailable, and suddenly we are reading the description and lamenting that we can’t have it! Is it that once you have a child, you are seen as being off the market and therefore everyone wants you more?
Is it done because flirting is safe?
Perhaps it is that everyone feels it is safe to flirt with you all of a sudden. You remember how the gay guy was friends with all the hot girls, and they seemed to flirt with him all the time? They do that because they know that he is safe, he is so completely unavailable they can do what they like without fear of having to follow up. Is the same true here, is that why suddenly it seems like every hot girl wants to fuck his brains out, because they can express that without fear of having to actually do it?
Whatever the reason – use it to your advantage
Whatever the actual reason is, my suggestion is that it’s time to use it! Find a friend with a child, go out the two of you and the baby, then offer to hold the baby whilst in the park, down the street, on holiday together... and then when all the girls come flocking, instead of being off the market, you are very much available and ready to take advantage of the situation.
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