So you already have your fuck buddy, or you are very confident of getting one. You know that it is only a matter of time again before you are in the sack getting it on with someone lovely. It could be that you have a friend who you are eyeing up to turn into a friend with benefits. Perhaps you have a couple of coffee meets lined up through the f-buddy website already. Or maybe you even have a threesome planned. What ever the reason, you know that sex is on the table.
So now you turn your attention to having better sex. This is so that you are more likely to have more sex with the same people, but even more importantly it is so that you can have fun! Welcome to even more top sex tips designed for me.
Help prepare your woman through relaxation
Most men like to get excited in the run-up to sex. We want the drive the chase, the build-up to the victory of having sex. Women like to relax. It is easier to make them come if they are feeling stress-free. So help both of you out by helping her to relax. This could be a gentle dinner, a massage, a hot bath. Take a few actions to help her to chill out and her explosion will be yours.
Never, ever skip the foreplay
The more you know someone the more comfortable you are and the more likely you are to be tempted to skip foreplay and go straight to sex. Do not do this! Science has proven again and again that foreplay contributes to stronger orgasms and better sex. Even if you are super excited and just want to do it, resist! You will have a better, stronger orgasm for putting that little bit of extra time into the build up!
Put yourself In their shoes
The best way to know how to wow your audience is to think like your audience. In this case, think like a woman, your woman! Put yourself in her shoes and consider the things that she would like or not like. Pay attention to the things that she really enjoyed and think about how much extra you are going to get by just giving a tiny bit of extra attention to those areas. If you can tease her more and more in the build up to sex, she will explode at the first thrust.
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