sexual rejection
How to deal with sexual rejection
No one likes to ask the difficult questions when it comes to sex, which is why we write this blog. We’re not naïve enough to think that every hook up you have is going to be amazing. We are here to try and make sure that when you do hook up you have the best possible chance of making it amazing. But biology is biology and sometimes when you meet someone in person the connection you think you felt so strongly online just isn’t there.
So here’s how to deal with sexual rejection because at some point it will happen to you.
Sexual Rejection – How to handle it...
Casual Sex Helps Deal With Rejection
Believe it or not casual sex can help us deal with emotional and physical rejection. This claim was first made back in 2012 by several psychologists studying the long term effects casual hook ups can have on a person’s mental health. There were of course both positives and negatives to having multiple sexual partners on a regular basis just as there are on having a single sexual partner on a long term basis. But whereas a bad break up in a long term sexual relationship can take months – sometimes years – to get over, the rebuff from a casual sex partner toughens the mental barrier we...