being sexy
The most sexy body shape
One of the wonderful things about members of the opposite sex is that they come in all shapes and sizes… and all of them are sexy to different people! There are tall ones, short ones, fat ones, thin ones, stiff ones, bendy ones… and they come in all colours to boot! Everyone has their type and preferences which is perfect. It means that there is a fuck buddy out there for everyone, no matter what you or they are like, so everyone has the ability to have a no strings attached relationship. There are certain types of shapes that, statistically, are considered “more” attractive because they...
Temperature and sex – how to use hot and cold to your advantage
There are many things that will affect your ability to have sex, and your enjoyment of the sex. This is always different for different people, so I am going to highlight the usual and often seen fluctuations – but remember that everyone is wonderfully different, so you may find yourself on very different ends of the scale!
Sometimes the time of day can make a really big difference. Some people are morning people, most people due to lifestyle are used to having sex in the evening. The one thing that I know can screw you over (and not screw in the positive sense) is...
Size matters: losing weight will make you sexier, to a point
When most people want to get laid more, the go to thing to look at tends to be how we look. It stands to reason, if you are looking to have sex with someone, then since the act of sex is a physical one that happens with the body, the first thing that is judged in terms of sexual attractiveness is of course how we look.
What women do
If you are woman and you wanted to have more sex, get hit on more or are in search of a fuck buddy, then you probably went on a diet. Losing weight is a quick and sure fire way to look more sexy as a woman. There is a reason that the exercise...
Sports are sexy – so do it for better sex
We all want to be having amazing sex. We want to meet someone with whom we have mind blowing, reality altering world shattering sex. We want for it to be so good, that it becomes all consuming, that everything in the world fades in comparison to the extasy that it seems to bring to our minds and bodies. So how do we make sure that we can have such an amazing experience each time we get laid? Well it starts with the body.
The body is the major tool and the medium
The body is the main tool for sex. We have sex with our bodies, using our physical form. If you...
Look after your body for great sex
When it comes to having sex we all want to have the best sex life that is possible. We all want to come hard and be making the other person come even harder. We want to share a scream of agonised pleasure with the other person, for that sweet sweet moment when it is just you and them, and everything else fades away but the sensations of skin and sweat and ecstasy. We have built our civilisation around it, and most of what we do is in some way related to our desire for sex. It is why we get jobs, earn money, buy nice clothes or flashy cars, why we want to have enough money for fancy meals...
Make decisions – its sexy
As a man – and yes I am specifically talking to all the gentlemen out there who are reading this blog – to stay sexy it is important to be make decisions. It doesn’t even matter if those decisions are good or bad for the most part, most decisions you make in life actually really don’t matter in the bigger picture. The important thing to do is to make them. Allow me to explain.
Why Make Decisions
Making decisions is sexy. That is the main reason. You want to maintain a level of attraction between you and your partner? Of course you do. You want her to want to...