It sounds strange but sleeping with someone you’re not physically attracted to happens more often than you think. The physical need just to have sex often overrides the more rational side of your brain. You feel horny, and you just want to fuck. We’re not here to blame you for feeling that way – it happens to everyone. However we are here to try and get you to think a little before jumping into bed with the first person you meet.
Sometimes we just want to have sex and it doesn’t really matter who with. However it should matter and here are the reasons why:
1. Self Esteem Damage
If you sleep with someone you aren’t attracted to you are doing both egos damage. You have dropped your usually high standards and can inadvertently hurt an innocent person’s feelings in the process.
2. Dropping your standards causes long term damage
If you’re willing to drop your standards, even for one night only, you will regret it – usually the morning after. Not only does it smash your ego, it also prevents you from going out with someone you would be attracted to and deserve to be with.
3. Psychological and Physical Damage
This relates back to the damaged ego, but is worth mentioning. If you sleep with someone just because you want sex and you don’t care who it is, what does that say about you? It shows a lack of respect for yourself and the other people around you. This will lead to long term emotional problems that will prevent you from establishing any kind of meaningful relationship. Also if you’re in a mindset where you’re prepared to have sex with whoever comes along, you’re more likely to be less careful and could end up with an STD or an unwanted pregnancy.
4. Regret
We all hate waking up next to someone and realising that “Ugghh! I can’t believe I slept with that!” Sounds harsh, but it is a decision you will regret. Best way to avoid it? Maintain you standards and don’t do it.
5. Bad Sex
Sleeping with someone you’re not attracted to means you won’t really make an effort in the sack. You’re more likely to go through the motions and not really give a shit about trying. This leads to bad sex for both parties which is never good. Sex is supposed to be enjoyable! If you’re not having good sex because you dropped your standards and don’t care, then there’s a real danger the sex could go bad when you meet someone you actually do like.
I could go on for days about this, but these 5 reasons alone should be enough to make you stop and think about what you’re doing before you hop into bed with the first person you see, rather than the first person you like.
Think before you fuck
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