Believe it or not, there are still a surprisingly high number of men fucking it up when trying to approach women for casual sex. Some guys still think that sending a picture of their cock is an all access pass to a woman’s vagina. Some guys still think that it’s attractive to talk about how rich they are. Some guys think that if they jack hammer a woman’s vagina she loves it.
Well we’ve received some tips from women who use this site for men that use this site. Follow these tips well guys and you might just stand a better chance of hooking up tonight.
1. Don’t send pictures of your cock
It rarely works especially as an opening line. If you must do it, at least already be sleeping with the woman you’re going to send it too. It just doesn’t work on 99.9999% of women. The 0.0001% of women it does work on are probably not women you want to be having sex with.
2. No selfies
It’s not hot. You just look like a retard. Or someone who’s in love with himself. Not attractive.
3. Girls don’t like being called ‘Bitches’
It’s not cool. It’s disrespectful. Even if you think it’s funny, no one else will and you’ll be going home alone dickwad.
4. Don’t talk about how rich and successful you are
It’s not attractive in ANY WAY. You just sound like an arrogant asshole. Why would we want to sleep with an arrogant asshole? Eughhh!
5. If you’re shy, fake confidence
We like it when a guy takes charge and leads. If this isn’t you, don’t worry – we like the sensitive quiet guys too. Just pretend you’re confident at first, and then feel free to be Captain Sensitive once you’ve got us back to yours! We love that!
6. Compliment me when I’m wearing clothes and when I’m naked
Women are paranoid about the way we look. A few well aimed compliments about how good we look when dressed and naked will go a long way to getting you laid.
7. Don’t try to make a woman jealous
If you’re insecure that’s your problem, not ours. We don’t find anyone who tries to make us jealous by flirting with other women at all attractive. We’ll just leave you to it. No sex from us. Bye!
8. Don’t talk about how many women you’ve fucked
We don’t give a shit. All we care about is how well you can fuck us. Proof should be in the pudding so to speak. Less tell, more show please.
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