Having sex outside of the bedroom is an excellent thing to do, and I cannot recommend it enough. When you have sex in a place that is designed for another purpose, the sex becomes automatically more exciting! Even if you plan it in advance it becomes more “spontaneous” feeling – especially for the other person. It can feel “naughty” and even a little taboo depending on where you decide to do it. Everyone likes a little variation, and even though the actual “sex” bit itself could be identical, let’s say you us the same position and mimic the same energy and movement, because it is somewhere different it will still carry a freshness, and newness that will help to make the sex super fun.
So you have considered having sex someone else in the house / flat, and you are now considering doing in the bathroom – specifically in the bath or the shower. Now there are big pros’s and con’s to doing this, so let me take you through them.
Its new and therefore exciting
This is explained fully above, and holds true to the bathroom.
It is warm
Cold can be a real turn off for both the girl and the guy. It reduces libido for most people, and makes it harder to come for most women as it increased muscle tension. The shower or bath brings with it a constant flow of warm water to keep the sex hot hot hot!
Instant clean up!
Be as messy as you like and it really does not matter – it all gets washed instantly!
Soap to keep things smooth!
A little shower gel on the body and suddenly your skin will be sliding over each other’s smoothly and sexily – it feels *really* good! A little shower gel around the balls especially goes a ling way to tickling you into being turned on
The MAIN Con – it removed moisture from where you want it
This is the major problem with sex in the bath, and it is also counter intuitive so allow me to press it home. Soap and shower gel is designed to remove dirt and grease etc. This is great for cleaning your skin, but it also strips away the female fluids that make her vagina so warm and inviting. She will get wet – but all that lubricant will be lost instantly if you are using shower gel or soap. This is the main problem with sex in the bathroom. Watch out for it!
Slip hazard
If things get urgent, be careful not to hurt yourself or your partner on the slipper surface!
Water in your face
Having a stream of water flowing into your face makes it hard to breath and hard to see. It is not very attractive to be spitting water all the time! Watch out fo r this!
So all in all I highly recommend that you give it go, you will really enjoy it! Keep an eye out for the above and you will have a better time of it. Go forth and have sex!
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